Follow the package directions to melt candy melts in microwaveable bowls—one flavor in each bowl. Stir the melted candy with spoons.
Green, One-Eyed Monster Donut:
Scoop melted green candy into the squeeze bottle. Immediately squeeze melted candy around the hole of the glazed donuts to make a mouth and squeeze a swirl of green above the mouth to outline where the eye will be placed.
Apply a small amount of the melted green candy to the wide end of a candy corn and press it into the bottom edge of the hole of the donut to make a tooth.
Apply a small amount of melted green candy to the back of a candy eye and then apply the eye to the green swirl on the donut above the mouth.
Chocolate Monster Donut:
Dip the wide end of 2 pieces of candy corn into melted chocolate and press the wide ends into the outside edge of the donut to make horns/ears.
Dip the wide end of 2 pieces of candy corn into melted chocolate and press the wide ends into the top edge of the hole of the donut to make fangs.
Use a toothpick to apply a small amount of melted chocolate to the back of 2 candy eyes and apply the eyes to the donut below the horns/ears. Repeat with a butterscotch chip to make a nose below the eyes.
Carol Eide is the mother of three young adult children. She loves making creative messes of all kinds—cooking, sewing, crafting, gardening. She has been writing, teaching, and publishing craft and activity ideas for children and adults for over 35 years.